THE THREAT: There are villainous monsters, mutants, freaks, and warped masterminds in the world, beyond the ability of conventional police forces to deal with.


THE SOLUTION: Recruit your own monsters, mutants, freaks, and warped masterminds, and give them warrant cards.


Every large urban centre has its own Special Talents Response Team, a small cadre of unusual personalities with unusual abilities.


Manchester's is the infamous GOON SQUAD, a team that has been operating continuously since the 1940s. Based in the heart of the city, their brief is to deal with threats ranging from the slightly odd to the very strange indeed.


Join the GOON SQUAD as they bring law and a degree of order to a city under siege from the forces of weirdness.


GOON SQUAD is a "prose comic," an ongoing episodic story that unfolds in handy monthly issues.


GOON SQUAD Issue #11


At last the GOON SQUAD may have the break in the VIVISECTOR case they have so desperately been seeking. A man from Switzerland claims to know exactly who the killer is, but is he telling the truth, or does he have a dark agenda of his own? He certainly seems to know a great deal about the legendary serial killer, and the Squad -- undermanned and overstretched -- has little choice but to take his claims at face value. 

Then there is a new killing. Their visitor has a perfect alibi -- how then does he know where to look for the body? 
As events in the city reach a climax, will the shadow of the VIVISECTOR finally be lifted forever?